JTR Collections

Whether it is standard debt collection, domestic rates collection, parking fines, or other local authorities payments, JTR Collections are an organisation with quite a unique approach to successfully collecting an average rate of 30 – 40% full collections.

Although there may be people who make the decision that they are going to try not to pay (the won’t pays’) there are also individuals who find themselves in difficult circumstances whereby they are not able to meet financial commitments (the can’t pays’).

JTR’s approach ensures that those in need of support receive as much assistance as possible and schemes best suited for the needs of their clients.

The Goal

Create a professional, authoritative, website with an approachable appearance. Organisations such as local authorities have many difficult situations to deal with and need to know they company they engage with to help them retrieve debts can do so in a sensitive and successful manner.

The Design

Research was carried out into other high performing debt collection agencies, and businesses such as lawyers, accountants and also government websites that are functional and explain the facts in a very clear manner.

The Hero Image

Wanting to avoid negative cliché’s of cash or hard-nosed debt recovery agents, we adopted a different approach to demonstrate geographical locations that would be recognisable to the target audience. They were also selected to create some intrigue but with a very clear positioning statement. ‘A new approach to debt collection’.

Iconography to reinforce key facts

Icons were designed and included to quickly and succinctly deliver key information. This is a great modern approach to ensure key information is seen by visitors to the website.

Highlight a string of successes

The success and hard work of JTR Collections has been regularly rewarded with a string of award nominations and successes, which are cleverly showcased throughout the website.

Detailed customer stories providing social proof

One of the most common things that visitors are interested to find out if who else and what else. Its just human nature. So genuine interesting case studies and testimonials will be read with greatee interest and provide social proof.

Live Chat

One of the most effective ways to engage with visitors and enable them to immediately talk to a friendly member of the team to get answers and advice.


Let us work together to create your perfect website.

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